what even is self-love?

A few years ago when someone shared with me the concept of self-love, I felt… kind of weird about it. The idea of being so soft towards myself felt insulting, wrong, and.. even a little beneath me. This is because I felt it was better to be the kind of person who can be strongContinue reading “what even is self-love?”

to be patient🌸

Ahh here we go again, another month trying to maintain a writing streak last minute!! Last thing I learned… last thing I learned… was that practicing patience while placing your faith in Allah is great at helping the dust settle for you to be able to better understand emotionally charged situations. It really helps youContinue reading “to be patient🌸”

the mystery of us (poem)

and life is a strange one we get betrayed by our closest whose hearts we we hold to our chests then we harden our hearts with walls and point the devil within the world the accusing finger points at everyone, push away those who never hurt us . isn’t it curious? what life makes usContinue reading “the mystery of us (poem)”

going back to go forward

When I was younger I thought that when you grow up you learn more about the world, yourself, and people, and find more confidence in the process. But I realized that a big part is going through a sometimes unpleasant phase of studying different factors of your past life that greatly affect how you dealContinue reading “going back to go forward”

to write or not to write | quick writing reflection pt. 5

The end of September brings another midnight where I sit down to write something and maintain my monthly writing streak. This time the question in mind is whether to keep writing or not. When I started writing, it was a period of a lot of change in my life. I had tons of questions thatContinue reading “to write or not to write | quick writing reflection pt. 5”

growing older ≠ becoming wiser

One interesting thing that I didn’t anticipate about growing up was that along with accumulating new life lessons, we can actually lose some of the maturity and wisdom that we have when we are younger. Growing up, I thought that becoming older means becoming wiser, but I discovered that it’s not completely true. It’s possibleContinue reading “growing older ≠ becoming wiser”

imperfection is a necessity

Walking in a park I saw a lot of trees without their usual lively green leaves. With changing seasons trees shed their leaves for survival. It’s too costly to keep the leaves green and attached to the little branches in harsh weather where resources are limited and survival is the priority. Much in the sameContinue reading “imperfection is a necessity”

14 awesome things about Pakistan

I got to visit Pakistan after many many years and found myself lucky to see and experience a lot of amazing things. Here are some of them: 1. LOVED ONES ❤️. The number one best thing about the Pakistan visit was meeting all my loved ones. If they weren’t there, the visit wouldn’t be halfContinue reading “14 awesome things about Pakistan”

snow sprinkles over fall trees again

November brought in a few scattered thoughts about time. The older I’m getting, the more I want to become aware of the passage of time. You see, it was hard to tell how much time passed during quarantine. Everything seemed the same. Sometimes you can only tell how much time has passed when you lookContinue reading “snow sprinkles over fall trees again”

the silver lining in career indecision

Few situations in life prompt us to find the silver lining more than others. One of them is coming to a crossroads in your life and realizing your old years-long life plans have all but turned to dust. So what do you do next? Not knowing where to go next in terms of career canContinue reading “the silver lining in career indecision”