to be kind anyway

This past year re-taught me a lot of life lessons in a new light. One of them was to ignore the advice of “matching someone’s energy”. This advice is only effective when people care enough about their personal integrity and constantly enjoy becoming and doing better. But if this advice is followed in dealing withContinue reading “to be kind anyway”

a letter to my 17-year-old self (part 1)

dear 17-year-old me, At this moment you’re probably busy studying for exams and preparing to head to university, wondering if you’ll get in, how the future will play out for you, and if you could be doing more. I wish I could tell you to relax and take it easy but truthfully, working hard atContinue reading “a letter to my 17-year-old self (part 1)”

growing older ≠ becoming wiser

One interesting thing that I didn’t anticipate about growing up was that along with accumulating new life lessons, we can actually lose some of the maturity and wisdom that we have when we are younger. Growing up, I thought that becoming older means becoming wiser, but I discovered that it’s not completely true. It’s possibleContinue reading “growing older ≠ becoming wiser”

14 awesome things about Pakistan

I got to visit Pakistan after many many years and found myself lucky to see and experience a lot of amazing things. Here are some of them: 1. LOVED ONES ❤️. The number one best thing about the Pakistan visit was meeting all my loved ones. If they weren’t there, the visit wouldn’t be halfContinue reading “14 awesome things about Pakistan”

3 lessons my university professors taught us about work ethic

After 5 years of being a university student, here are a few pieces of helpful advice from my professors that stand out to me. 1. Practice is vital for mastery (a swimming example 🏊) In one of my first-year courses, our physics professor taught us to make sure to do all practice questions instead ofContinue reading “3 lessons my university professors taught us about work ethic”

the downside of “follow your passion” advice in career

If you have ever asked around for career advice, you may have heard something about finding your calling, or going for what you love even if it is unconventional or totally different from your formal education. There seems to be an underlying assumption that if you love something, you will naturally become really good atContinue reading “the downside of “follow your passion” advice in career”

success is very much shared

(Well… it CAN be!) If you look at motivational videos, you’ll see that a good number of them focus on you becoming this hardworking hero of your story who worked SO hard that they beat all the odds in life and succeeded like a BEAST! 😤💪. That one top percent who actually gets up atContinue reading “success is very much shared”

who, not what to become

💭thought bubble💭 If you were to strip away all of your formal education, your career accomplishments, your awards, your reputation, your financial status, your loved ones, and left alone in another country with a bag of simple clothes and a little money, who do you think you would be? What kind of decisions would youContinue reading “who, not what to become”

7 habits that beautify life

One. Thanking others. It reminds you that there are people who are kind and caring, and creates positive feelings as people like to be appreciated for what they do. It also helps you remember to not take people’s kindness for granted and think about how you can return the favours too. Two. Finding pieces ofContinue reading “7 habits that beautify life”

8 life changes from gratitude journaling

A few months ago, I tried out gratitude journaling. The ground rules I set for myself were: a) I would journal at the end of each day, b) I had to write a minimum of 5 things to be grateful for, and c) I would not ignore negative emotions and still write about them whenContinue reading “8 life changes from gratitude journaling”