5 ways to make reading books easier for yourself

1. 🤔Why? Why do you want to read books anyway these days? Is it because you want to learn a specific skill like cooking? Then don’t feel guilty about not being able to make time for other books. Is it because you want to get lost in a fantasy world and escape real life forContinue reading “5 ways to make reading books easier for yourself”

14 things I learned about personal growth, goal-setting, & systems in 2021

Part 1 – dealing with tough times, emotions, the health of the mind, and one’s sense of self (#1-11) Part 2 – people, relationships, existence, & love (#12-20) This is Part 3 of 3 of 2021 lessons – personal growth, goals, and systems (#21-33) 🧠 On developing a growth mindset 21. Growth mindset can comeContinue reading “14 things I learned about personal growth, goal-setting, & systems in 2021”

why trying and failing is highly valuable

Failure can be disappointing, no question about it. When you don’t meet your own expectations, you might feel like dejectedly letting go of your aspirations and settling in. But there is one specific reason why trying out something and failing at it is highly valuable. Short Answer: Experience. Long Answer: When you are trying outContinue reading “why trying and failing is highly valuable”

why I choose a growth mindset

A little while ago, I found myself stuck in a fixed mindset, where you start to believe that your talents and your intelligence are fixed traits. People who fall into a fixed mindset may become more occupied with trying to measure how intelligent they are, how their level of intelligence or ability limits them, andContinue reading “why I choose a growth mindset”